Welcome to the Crest at Wailuna, the official website for homeowners.

Our Mission Statement

To develop a sense of community through the promotion of common interests

preserving the aesthetics of the neighborhood, enhancing the value of our property,
and maintaining a high quality of life within the Crest.

Iron Fence Assessment on 8/14/23

Aloha Lots 106 through 135: This notice is being sent to you on behalf of your Crest at Wailuna Board ofDirectors regarding an upcoming inspection by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates,Inc. This is the consulting firm contracted by the Board to assist in the iron...

Notice: July 5th Road Concrete Work

Dear Crest at Wailuna Lot Owners at 1871 A, 1871B, 1891D, 1961C, 1971D,1971H & 1910V: DC Aspahalt will be back on property on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 from 8am to5pm, weather permitting, to complete concrete curbing repairs at yourdriveway. This is for seven (7) of...