Welcome to the Crest at Wailuna, the official website for homeowners.

Our Mission Statement

To develop a sense of community through the promotion of common interests

preserving the aesthetics of the neighborhood, enhancing the value of our property,
and maintaining a high quality of life within the Crest.

News and Announcements

Wailuna Rec Association now has its own webpage

WAILUNARECASSOCIATION.COM The page will link the user to the rec facilities, including reservation forms, community calendar and the rules and regulations for the facilities, plus general rec information. There is also a section where you can enter your email address, which will add your email to the any future information to be shared within the Wailuna community.

Safety Information

Don’t hesitate to call 911, if you see suspicious or criminal activity that may require police level involvement. WRA Security covers 3 Associations (Heights, Townhouses and the Crest). They assist with nuisance noise reports, monitor unauthorized parking, provide a security deterrent, monitor WRA facilities and watch for unsafe or suspicious activities after hours on weekends and holidays.

Crest owners may also report security concerns as follows:

WRA Property Mgr at Associa Mgmt Company

WRA supervisor of security /Jojee
WRA Lodge - (808)456-3020
Email: [email protected]
WRA security roving guard - (808)282-7299

In case of emergency, call (808) 539-9777
Weekends, holidays or outside of
normal business hours.

Kanani Kaopua, Hawaiian Properties
Phone: (808) 539-9501 Fax: (808) 521-2714
Email: [email protected]